Hi there, I'm Vijay 👋🏼

I'm a FullStack Developer who loves to write Typescript and React
I enjoy hacking Open Source Projects ⚒️

Currently working as Senior Fullstack Developer at Quantilope GmbH, 📍Hamburg,Germany

✉️ vijayakrishna.venkatesan@gmail.com 📞 +49 176 61332826

Who am I?

I am an enthusiastic Developer, passionate about User interfaces and User experiences with deep interest in programming and building software products that solves problems 🤓

I have over 6 years of experience in Software development focused mainly on large scale web applications with good knowledge in Typescript , React and NodeJS

I constantly try to improve my and my team's developer experience ⚒️.

Currently building Trackify. A full stack project tracker app usin drizzle-orm and Planetscale

Featured in VS Code Feb 2023 Release

Check out my blog. I write about DX tools and experiences

💪 Skills

  • Typescript


  • NodeJS

  • React

  • Git

  • Rust

  • GraphQL

  • MongoDB

  • MySQL

  • Prisma

  • Drizzle ORM

  • NextJS

  • VSCode

I've done

  • React CSS Modules

    typescript node js vs code

    VS Code extension that enables CSS modules support in Typescript based React projects.

  • Typescript cleanup Definitions

    typescript node js plugin

    A small TS plugin to refine definition results in VS Code

  • MarkDoc Traverse

    typescript node js

    A small traversal library for MarkDoc's AST

  • Prisma Visualise

    rust prisma

    A tiny cli to view prisma schema modals in terminal.

  • React Dev Docs

    typescript node js vs code

    VS Code extension that enables browsing react.dev docs directly inside VS Code.

  • CSS Scanner

    typescript node js react chakra-ui

    A end to end application that can scan CSS files in your project and list the non compatible CSS properties against a browser of your choice

  • My Own Insights

    typescript react nextjs vercel mongodb

    A hobby project built with Next JS , MonogoDB and Vercel's serverless functions to track insights such as page views,clicks on my website and blog

  • Feature Contribution to VS code

    typescript node js vs code

    First VS code feature contribution.

  • My Website

    typescript react astro tailwindcss netlify

    My portfolio website. An alternative to PDF's

  • My Blog

    typescript react astro tailwindcss netlify markdoc astro-themes

    My blog site built with Astro themes(Blogster) and MarkDoc for content

Work Experience

  • 🕵️ Senior Fullstack Developer

    Quantilope GmbH, Hamburg,Germany

    Full Time . Nov 2021 to Present . 2 yrs 1 mon

    Presently part of the insights team consisting of fullstack engineers, I am repsosible for building and maintaining the fullstack insights application.It's written in React,Typescript and GraphQl and has highcharts integrated for data visualisation

    I played an integral role in Consumer survey platform by developing cutting edge user interfaces for the future of Consumer Anytime platform.

    I worked with a team of Backend and Front end developers who are experts in Typescript , React and Node JS.
    We as a team were responsible for Data Collection and Data Quality platform of Quantilope. Our mission as a team is to improve the market research platform by providing cutting edge user interfaces that makes participating in surveys more playful

    I was responsible for developing and maintaining the new Survey application which is state of the art .
    We are actively trying to beat our competitors such as Typeform , SurveyMonkey and PollFish. I work closely with designers and provide valuable feasbility feedback by judging the level of front end work that would be needed to develop the design into a usable software application

    Key Achievements 🏆

    • Laying out a Style System using SASS
    • Integration of Chromatic to achieve 100% visual testing
    • Component System that scales well with incoming product requirements
    • Built a VS code extension to improve the DX in the team
    • Improved rotation logic of piping and non piping questions
  • 🕵️ Senior FrontEnd Developer

    About You GmBH, Hamburg Germany

    Full Time . Nov 2018 to Oct 2021 . 2 yrs 3 mos

    Started as intermediate developer focusing on React Native.

    Went on to become a Senior Developer focusing on Mobile Web Shop. Worked on several hot topics inside the company focusing on managerial, analytical and technical side of things

    Key Achievements 🏆

    • Google Optimize Integration - A project to improve AB testing capabilities
    • Graph QL POC - Proof of concept to bring GraphQL architecture.
    • GRPC Web integration
    • Analytics integration with Optimizely to further improve the AB Testing setup
  • 🕵️ Software Developer

    Razorthink, Bangalore India

    Full Time . Jul 2017 to Oct 2018 . 1 yr 4 mos

    As a key member of the front end team, I assisted Razorthink in developing their customer-facing application using React, Redux, and redux-saga.

    I helped with setting up the Git workflow for releases as well as the development environment.

    I looked into every option for a solution to a problem. I monitored the possible hazards and enhancements in the codebase and assisted in overcoming them.

    Key Achievements 🏆

    • Used a 🤓 smart rendering approach to render tabular data containing 1000 rows using React virtualized list
    • Jupyter notebook integration with semantic errors and syntax highlighting
    • Lazy loading of dependencies such as Reducers, Redux Sags and Modules
  • 🕵️ Junior Web developer

    Cartoon Mango Studios, Bangalore India

    Full Time . April 2015 to July 2017 . 2 yr 2 mos

    I was able to work on projects autonomously while concentrating on the needs of the client despite being a junior developer.

    Developed Complex web applications that involved working with HTML Canvas and SVG

    Worked on a project named Caselets that was self-managed. I collaborated with the founder and assisted him in setting up the project's entirety using Firebase and React.

    Key Achievements 🏆

    • I began my React JS Journey
    • Gained more passion towards front end development
    • I gained knowledge regarding scalable systems used by millions of daily users while consulting for cleartip.com.